Running out of gas sucks. It can’t get any worse than when it happens when off-roading in your ZForce. Getting stranded in the middle of nowhere with no fuel to return home, isn’t what we hope to get out of a fun day on the trails. No matter how much we plan, if we don’t carry a ZForce fuel pack, our journey will be limited by the fuel tank capacity of the ZForce. You can maximize your time offroading if your rig is set up to carry extra fuel.
Depending on your trip, you need to figure out how much fuel you need to carry. If you are planning on spending multiple days on a camping or overlanding expedition, you need to carry ample fuel to sustain your ZForce. So, you might be better off carrying at least a 4-gallon ZForce fuel pack. Sometimes, even that might not be enough. Plan ahead and carry enough fuel for your trip.
Even if you are not going on a long trip, you need to have a ZForce fuel pack in your rig at all times. You won’t find any gas stations when offroading. To avoid being stranded, carry a gallon or two of extra fuel. This should be enough to get back on the road and find a gas station or return to camp if you run out of fuel.
Carrying ZForce fuel packs can be a burden if you don’t have the appropriate ZForce fuel pack mounts. At Everything CFMoto Offroad, we have fuel pack mounts that can be attached anywhere on your ZForce. Mount your ZForce fuel pack where it won't disturb your riding with ZForce fuel packs. At Everything CFMoto Offroad, we have both plastic and metal fuel packs.